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Monday, September 10, 2012


Elizabeth Pryor

important to know



Five out of six!

The Lee family chose seven "historians" to study at length Lee's own slave ledgers, bounty hunter instructions,  personal letters to and from women, surprisingly, with sexual overtones. 

None of them knew what to expect.  None of them even dared mention the term "slave ledgers."    Pryor artfully called them "monthly account books."   The other six had no desire to "go there"

The other six Virginia Historical Society members presumably saw what Pryor saw. None of them have been mention much less been candid about Lee's sadism,  purchase of 13 year old girls....

None of them mentioned most of Lee's slaves were mulatto  -and that Lee sold children to punish the mother for trying to escape.

Slave owners were vile men -- Lincoln said all slave owners should be kicked to death-  which only sounds extreme to day because idiotically our teachers regularly lied.

One of the other "scholars"  called Lee's papers "very interesting."   

That might be the most understated two words every uttered.  

The art of politicians and historians alike is to tell part of the story ,  In fact,  murderers,  rapists and child moletsters  do the same thing

Only when historians tell just part of the story we call them scholars.  

We pay them to teach us. --teill part of the story -- omit anything than tell a party - even a tiny part,  rather tha upset the people they are trying to impress.

  It is interesting to note that so far anyway,  none of them wanted to or did write anything like Pryor wrote. 

And how could they? We assume they did not dare upset the myth of Robert E Lee.  

 Lee is more of a GOD than anything else in history of slavery and Civil war --as taught o students in grade school, high school and college.

  Pryor ntil she studied his "dirty laundry, "   accepted as near gospel the words and work of   Only it is much worse than dirty lauder.


Napoleon decided to enter Paris as the victor,  complete with cheering crowds and parades.  

It is natural - in fact almost obligatory,  that we believe in, and cheer men we want to,  need to,believe.  


Historians have known for 70 years that the Lee family kept  two trunks full of Lee's "personal papers."

While hundreds of other historical figures, or their family, allowed publication and or study of those papers,  the Lee family did not, for reasons that may be obvious soon

"Robert E Lee's slave ledgers still exist."




Maybe the most startling face Pryor found-- Lee ordered his own troops to shoot his men who ran from battle -- a trick Stalin used eighty years later to defeated the Germans.

Cleverly, Pryor claimed Lee "rescinded" the order later.  



The bible does say Exodus 20 21 that a master can beat their slave to death --as long as the slave does not die that same day.  Lee of course knew that


Slaves duty is to please the master, as the bible says, according to Lee and the bible

 If the master is too cruel -- that is between God and the master --the slave must obey.

 No matter how vile or insane the torture was --evein if the slave died from the torture, he slaves "must endure."  

They must not fight back,  they may not even touch the master if the master tortures or rapes  their child.  Lee sold slave children to punish the mother-- and terrorize all mother.

Slaves could be burned to death -- burned to death -- if they struck the master.

Even if they or their children die the next day ,  they must endure the pain,

The slave is to obey the master as they would obey GOD.

It is wrong to make the slave owner angry Lee wrote.

Biblically that is true.   Robert slaves are to please the master-not create "angry feelings"


Lee was sadist t even by his time -- he sold childre to punish the mother.

That would keep slave women eager to please men like Lee -- mothers risked their own lives if they tried to escape, and if they survived- men like Lee made their lives miserable.

We know from historian Elizabeth Pryor that "Rape was Common" at Lee's slave farm. 

SOME WHERE WORSE me were worse.  

Like the slave owner who owned Frederick Douglas. 

Elizabeth  Brown Pryor adored Lee.  Before and after she found Lee's slave ledgers.

Speaking in Virginia -- not far from Lee's slave farm, Pryor told the crowd her duty as a historian  was to "expose the ugly."  

Did Pryor expose anything "ugly" in a clear way.   You be the judge, 

For the first 150 pages Pryor did the usual for Lee biographies,  She compared Lee to  Richard the Lionhearted,  and of course, Lee was better.

She claimed  Lee "always wanted to be a Planter" though she forgot to mention  that "Planter" of that time was the own over a large slave farm.

She did mention that Lee bought slaves of his won -- not just take over management of his wife's slaves

Whe Pryor mentioned Lee' use of slave auction she blamed slaves --Lee had to get ruid of a reultant slave- Rome was his name

Pryor deftly mention that Lee sent Rome to a owner who would teach Rome to be a more productive person.  She forgot to mention the regular use of torture -- daily horribly tort rue done by white men who broke the slaves spirit-Frederck Douglas told of this kind of horror in his auto biolgrah.  

When Pryor revealed Lee had escaped slaves whipped including small slave girl about 13 years old,  it was remarkable,  but suddenly  --she was clever - crossed over the line to deceptive when she needed to,  such as 
When Pryor revealed rape was common -- she called rapes "situations,"  as in "Coercion was used in those situations". 

Notice the passive voice -- no mention of who forced (coerced )  the rape. 

What kind of coercion, and of course who raped who?  

 Pryor had to know who - and she had to know far more than that.

Kind of a big ideal in a biography of Lee-- and his papers. They were Lee's slaves.  They were Lee's papers.  

Pryor was just telling us -  as carefully as she could -in  a way that stupid people might not notice.

Are we to believe Lee wrote "used corersion in this situation?"

Perhaps Pryor did the best she could, given that the Lee family picked her --and that Pryor was friends with the Lee family

The Lee family picked Pryor and six Virginia Historical Society members to studly Lee's slave ledgers for six weeks.  


Lee's slave ledgers stunningly recorded the skin tone of slaves

 Pryor could tell you their age, skin tone and price --when he bought slaves.  Of course he listed the price when he sold them, too.

Lee wrote to his bounty hunters, telling them that at least one slave girl "could pass for white."

More amazing, if possible, Pryor writes that over 50% of Lee's slaves were mulatto.    What words Lee himself used in his own slave ledgers to reveal that - we don't know. 

Pryor adds another shocker -- in a calm way.   The average percentage of mulatto slaves at any given slave plantation was 10%,  

Lee had 266 slaves. The largest slave own in the state,  Therefore Lee own over 133 mulatto slaves-- and at least one looked so white  she could pass for white

And that girl -- that white lookin girl -- tried to escape.  And Lee paid-- see the word paid -- bounty hunters to capture her.

The bounty hunters using trained dog -- dogs who sometimes mauled the victims to death --.  How Pryor would reveal what Lee did to that girl --Pryor did reveal it -- 



She was surprised never the less to find Lee not only had slave ledgers, Lee record the prices he paid for girls of various ages.  

Lee paid twice the amount apparently for girls about 13 years old.   Upim

Lee did not explain why buying girls about 13 years old was good business- - but others did explain why it was so profitable.

James DeBow, of DeBow Review --the biggest and best known journal in the South about profiting by slavery,


  claimed slave owners were enriched by God --God bestowed about slave owners to be the richest members of the community -- that proved God ordained slavery

Debow urged young men to buy a few slaves--a young woman, and a male slave,  also young.  The woman can work and have children -- children you can sell.  The buck can work too --and in ten or twenty years wyou can be wealthy too.

Slavery was a quick way -- a GOdly way --to get rich.  

College student who are taught about DeBow for some reason,  our schools fail to incudes DeBow praise for getting rich by buying young slaves,.   Strange how that works

Lee recorded his sale of slave children --sold to punish the mother.  After all,  she was born and raised in the State where Lee is venerated --


Pryor called Lee's slave ledgers as a softer  thing.  She called carefully as "Monthly Account books."

Wisely Pryor took that softer approach in almost every issue.

For example when trying to remove  the idea Lee was a sadist -- as facts would suggest -- Pryor blamed "Poor cross cultural communitcal skills"

That was is -he would tot have to torture them if he had better cross cultural communication skills.

But consider Pryor's plight -- she had to say something. 

 Should could ot just tell you he screamed at this girl of this ago, 20 lashes,  and then had salt put in her wound for more pain.  

Pryor used what was handy - COMMUNICATION SKILL defect.

Reminds me of the Paul Newman film where he was tortured by a lunatic prison guard-- the prison guard kept yelling "what we have here is a failure to communicate 

✔️Lee's defense of torture of small slaves too

✔️Lee's dirty letters to various women

✔️ Lee selling slave children to punish the mother

✔️Lee's purchase of women from the North that were never slaves-- until Lee  illegally bought them

✔️Lee's refusal to obey Virginia Courts to free slaves

✔️ Lee's regular use of slave auctions

✔️  Lee's "prefered" method of torture 

✔️ Lee calling the torture of slaves "painful instructions they must endure 

PRYOR has a failure to be candid or honest.
BUT she was a "Virginia Scholar"    She was a Lee family friend.     This was not easy -- she did the best she could.

The first words of Pryor's book is dedicated to Donald Wayne Howard,  who Pryor  describe  "Another great Southern Man."

That was Pryor's notice -- wink --that Lee was a great Southern Man, and on that hill she would die.  Who else could Pryor possibly  mean?



 Pryor  told her  crowd at a Virginia lecture in 2003* that her duty as an historian was "to show the ugly."  

Pryor, however was careful and clever indeed,  about what ugly she showed.  Over and over Pryor would mention something -- like LEE  paying a bounty hunter to torture - by whip - 12 slaves who tried to escape.

Pryor  sorta kinda showed a bit -- but she then  blamed the slaves and said "Lee had the right to protect  his property."   That was exactly Lee;s excuse to torture -- he own those people -- he owned their children.  The bible as Lee knew, said he could torture his slaves to death,  as long as the slave did not die immediately.  

 A best seller in the South made those scriptures very clear

Torture of your slave -- for no apparent reason!-- was your right as a master.  You can torture her to death -- to death - as long as she does not die that day  Exodus 20 21

This is actually worse than  Ilsamic religions .   The christiam bible is very clear -- tortrue them TO DEATH is okay,  as long as the slave lives through the night.

Pryor a 160 years later could not help herself - Lee had every right.  Quite the conflict.

Pryor did show,after praising Lee for 154 pages, that the newspaper reports  that Lee screamed at slave girls,   was "undoubtedly  accurate."*  Pryor was almost bi-polar on what to say about Lee.  



Pryor did not use the word "Slave ledgers" .  Nor would the Lee family want Lee to be seen in that light, naturally.  Instead Pryor used the term "Monthly Account books."

It is important to know that Pryor could and did use Lee's "monthly account books" to reveal Lee's payment to bounty hunters and slave auctions -- two slave auction were nearby .

Pryor dressed up the shocking news of slave auctions by claiming a "rebellious"  slave name Rome  had to be sent to a place where he would learn to behave.

What Pryor knew and omitted -- Lee and others, if their own overseer could not torture that slave enough-- masters sent the slave to be beaten almost daily,  to be "broken"

Lee's defense of torture - of course -- was the bible. 

Slaves "must endure painful instruction"

  One of the common books in the South was a book about God Ordained slavery.   Front and center of that book is the scipture that you can torture your slave to death -- for no apparent reason!-  as long as he or she lived until morning, then died.

If they die in the next day or too,  that was okay  -- buecase "It;s your money"


Pryor also stunned some readers to admit Lee had more than one form of torture -- (Lee called torture "painful instructions slaves must endure)

Pryor did not need to put that in her book.  She could have just ignored whatever indicated such an amazing thing.  But she did NOT ignore it.  No one would ever know- - who could possibly guess Lee had so many ways to torture his slaves, he had favorites??  It's hard to compute

At repeated points in the book -- a reader has to wonder - why the fuck tell us THAT.   He praised Lee as much as any one praised him -- but then these sudden bombshells.   

How -- how was she going to reveal the bombshells?

There is only so much double speak , only so much  blame th eslaves nonsense she could do.  Maybe at those junctiors she just wrote a candid sentence or phase --because she could not figure a way to slide this past the reader.

  The whip, Pryor wrote, was his preferred device.  The others Pryor did not make clear,  although she admitted Lee did have salt poured into the wounds of his victims from whipping

Lee's defenders, naturally, claim that the salt was used to clean and heal the damage Lee just inflicted.   That was  not true --witnesses at the torture of 12 slaves in one session noted at the time Lee did that for more pain. 

Yet Pryor  raised in slave states, educated in slave states, made famous in slave slates,  got rich in slave states, and died in a slave state. (Not far from Lee's slave farm).  She had to be torn. 

The other six "scholars" the Lee family allowed to study Lee's papers,  absolute refused, as far as we can tell,  to reveal any of this.

Therefore without Pryor,  the goofy  myth as a noble man -- against slavery,  as kind or honest,  would continue to  make generations dumber than a box of rocks.

Those other scholars  -- they too were allow weeks to study Lee's slave ledgers.   It would be wonderful if they  would be interviewed about the discrepancy of what Pryor found,  and what they would are make public

What clever tricks would they use?  


Pryor wanted everyone to know,  Lee was the great man.   Never mind the details -- he was a great man.  

Pryor never -- of course-would be candid about "slave ledgers." Pryor told he readers they were "Monthy  Account books"

But from those "accout books" Pryor found the names, ages,  and prices that Lee paid out to buy slaves.  She knew the prices -- the exact amount Lee paid for girls a certain age

How else would she get those prices-- from a duck?

Pryor had the names of those Lee bought at given auctions. She knew the names of those slaves, men women both, who escaped.

Lee's biggest  problem, Pryor wrote, was escaped slaves!  We know at least once 12 of Lee slaves escaped at one time

How much a  surpise could that be to people who from  kindergarden, when to schools named after Robert E Lee... and were driving to schools named after Robert E Lee

and played on sport teams named after Robert E Lee

.....and who visited Lee's grave site in solemn  silence 

.... and were taught that Lee hated slavery --that Lee knelt in  prayer with slave women when  others refused to go near her

.... and five dozen other goofy ass  made up crap they were taught by teachers who were taught that.


  Pryor had the prices Lee paid to have women (apparently women) kidnapped in the North (More details about those women and how Pryor justified, as much as she could,  Lee's purchases in that regard.

Pyor could - if she wanted -- and if the Lee family allowed --show a spread sheet it all kind of information about this slave girl, and that slave child,  and the other slave grandfather.

But Pryor wisely decided to be safe as she remained in Arlington.   Sadly,  Pryor  did die in Arlington, not far from Lee's slave farm, in an accident were she was hit by a driver in a stolen car,  April 13, 2015.

 torture, despite selling childre to punish the mother, despite rape being common at his slave farm,  despite making a grandfather pay to pay Lee for is own grandchild, Pryor could not did not shake that adoration of a man she was raised to adore above all others.

Pryor could no more rid herself of that connection  than the character "Forest Gump" in a film by that name. 

Clever -- as Pryor often was.  

 So she did not dare say  "Lee is a great Southern Man."  She came as close as she dared -- the first sentence in her masterpiec ebook was her dedication to 


Despite Pryor learning about rapes being common at Lee's slave farm,  

despite learning Lee's preference for one torture device over another,

 despite knowing Lee had tortured girls so small the regular employee refuse to whip her, despite learning Lee screamed at his victims

Even  on the book cover - notice "a portrait of Lee through his private letters."

Yes,  Pryor  delved into the personal  letters in such detail and with such notation  on that count alone she should have gotten some award for that skill.


Slave ledgers -- apparently 34 ledgers,  where  Lee wrote about the "financial side" of "slave management."

Pryor was not about  use the term slave ledgers-- she called then "monthly account books"

One of many clever accommodations, Pryor had to construct herself,  this being the first known access by scholars, of Lee highly detailed  slave ledgers,  letters to and from bounty hunters,  even letters to and from  women of a sexual nature

Who saw that coming? No one.




Finding those slave ledgers -- call them account books if you need to -- should, in a rational world,  cause historians and teachers -- and the public -- to take note.



Pryor did reveal -- as much as she dared-- about Lee's cruelty,  even  torture of slaves.   Torture is the of course a bridge to far-- Lee himself used the word "instruction."


For Lee -- and everyone else who tortures, enslaved  raped,  sold children ,  and or killed to spread slavery for GOD (as Jeff Davis instead was a duty)  had to use various linguistic tricks.

While 95% of college student do know that humans use " Orwellian double speak"  or "or euphemism   to assuage their own cruelty,  and make it easer to tell others.

Jeff Davis was one of hundreds who insisted that slavery was kindness, a blessing, a gift to the negro.  Over and over and over you see that kind of madness in Souths newspapers and documents.

Lee played the same game -- necessarily so. 

Since they had to -- of course - they did.


Names,  name of slaves, names of slave auctions, names of bounty hunters

Dates--  dates Lee bought or sold,  slaves.  Or dates Lee sent slaves "to rent out" so to speak.




Lee even kept note of skin tone, according to Virginia Historical Society,  in the two trunks you see above.   Pryor found that over half of Lee's 266 slaves were mulatto -- including white looking  children!




We did not know about Lee's slave ledgers because for over 120 years, the Lee family did not allow the contents of those trunks to be studied. 


Historians have known for 105* years the existence of those two trunks.   But no one that we know of was allowed to actually study  them. 


Occam's razor

Even now -- for a very good reason apparently-- the Lee family and the Virginia Historical Society (VHS) do not seem  eager  to display or catalog  6000 papers.  

At best Pryor was allowed to interpret Lee's words and interpret what happened for us.

Must like the Catholic Church for 500 years were brutal about only priest knowing how to read the bible.   So much vile crap is in the bible-- the Pope and clergy could learn the language of the bible

We hope it does not take 500 years for the "Priest"    slave ledgers to be made public.  One hint -- don't hold your breath.

Understandably, the  Virginia Historical Society  was not about to dump the sadism of Robert E Lee -- and the cowardice of Robert E Lee at the end without a fight.
The Virginia Historical Society exists largely to praise Robert E Lee, and to portray him as a man of GOD who was against slavery.

It is the Virginia Historical Society who oversees tours for thousands of children's who walk silently past Lee's burial place  The children can even see the honored resting place of Lee's two favorite to horses.

Lee even had a pet chicken that was at one time a "thing" among Lee scholars.

  Lee's men as a joke during the war, killed the chicken and Lee ate it, unaware-- and all had a good laugh.

That is a valid example of Lee's scholarship even now,  after Pryor's book

The children were not taught about Lee laughing about eating his pet chicken (name Pearl) scholars spared them from that.


At no time do these children see the whipping post Lee had slaves build --and used,

 Pryor called the whipping post "a silent reminder"  to the slave that they were to work and  toil, and Lee decided their life,  every detail, until they died.  He could sell them, torture them according to the bible for no apparent reason.  He could tell one slave to breed with another

HE could -- and did sell slaves, and slave children.  That was his legal and Godly right. 

Lee could have any of them lashed to pole and whipped-- Lee did that too.

   Oddly a expert at Virginia Historical society   claimed he had not yet fully read Lee's "Papers"  about purchase and sale of slaves. 

  We assume he sure as hell read it. 

 It had to baffle him -- Lee screaming at slave girls so small he had to pay somoene else to whip her. Letters to bounty hunters, sales of children  to punish the mother, on and on, 

 He avoided being candid about Lee's slave papers for  the rest of his professional life. 
Odd right?

Not odd at all.   

Human nature is that way -- you and I are not exception.

It would have been stupid and even dangerous for him to candidly reveal what Lee did  and wrote.

That is human nature.  


Pryor would never call  Lee's slave ledgers by name slave ledgers.

She called them and only once -monthly account books.

Just like the whipping post was a "silent reminder" -- not a place of screaming  and begging.  No a place where Lee taunted and torture slaves. 

That's history for humans-  as Napoleon said "history is a joke we play on our children,


As we find out, however,  those "monthly account books" are about prices Lee paid for slaves, and amounts Lee received when he sold slaves at a nearby auctions.

What exactly were Lee's instructions to bounty hunters.    Even Pryor would not -- and probably could not - show us an actual page.

That would be a truth to dear to share.

 But we know from Pryor that Lee told  bounty hunters about a specific girl they were to capture -- a slave girl who "could pass for white."

Why on earth would Bobby Lee  have paid extra for a slave girl that could pass for white?   

There is an answer to that, and it's rather vile. So we will place below


Lee also paid more -- as did all buyers at human  auctions -- for "comely"  girls, girls that were lighter skinned, with more white features.  Young girls especially.


266 total confirmed

142 mulatto ?

From other sources we know Lee owned 266 slaves at one point. 

We knew that 12 escaped at one time-- including a slave girl that Lee wrote "could pass for  white"


There were all kinds of horrific thinks at slave plantations, but Pryor saved that word "HORROR"  for one thing 

Not torture,  not beating a slave to death in front of their children or parents.  Not starvation -- which was the most common method of torture.  Not separting the child from the mother because the master was pissed at the mother

Nope.  Pryor did not list any of those things as horrible.

What was horrible to her - is this 

"Increasingly,  whites were enslaving other whites"  

Inreasingly  whites enslaved other whites

Even slavery Pryor did not describe as borrowable.   But more and more slaves who looked white

That pissed Pryor off Pryor. 

Indeed they were -- more and more were mulatto --Lee had about 144 mullato

He had 266 slaves altoghether. 

Lee - Pryor wrote -- and the most white looking slaves, because rape at large slave farms was "common" reported Pryor.  

As time went on, and the rapes went on,  and as men like Lee did not free or give away  white look ing slaves- and the childred that would come from the rape, skin tone was a big deal.  

Such a big deal to Lee -- that he paid more to have those girls, and paid more to have them captured.

Something you might not be told at 381 roadside "history" sights in the South. Nor will you find it at the 833 online tributes the man of God,  who did not own slaves if you believe them, Robert E Lee fan clubs.

PRYOR had n
Pryor also revealed that over -- over!-- 50% of Lee's slaves were mulatto. She did not say how much over 50%

She did write that most slave farms had 10% mulatto. (ed. We use term " salve farm" here because it is accurate)

The myth that Lee's wife only owned slaves, not him -- is of course nonsense.  Pryor reported Lee bought slaves of his own. She also show that Lee bought other  humans from men whose lievelyhood was kidnapped black women and men -- from the North.

Also the myth that Lee freed his wife's slaves -- or any such nonsense --is disproven by Lee refusing to obey Virginia courts order to him during the way to have slaves freed. 







we can torture our slave girsl to death -- say so in bible.

Best part -- we don't need a reason to beat her.  Maybe it's just fun for Christians to torture 

Maybe that's God's way of getting us some exercise!

This was widespread -- if not universal

Exodus 21:20-21 

WHites generally, and slave owners particularly -- claimed slavery -- and the torture of slaves-- was biblical

And indeed SLAVERY AND TORTURE OF SLAVES -- it was biblical.
 THey were not wronbabout that.

Frederick DOuglass for example, had to witness a small slave girl as she was tortured to death by hermaster who screamed bible verses at her. 

He whippeed her to being unconscious --than had her dragged away,  to die alone,  in the woods.  Probably eaten shortly there after

Futher more the rape of slave girls was so common it was an open secret -- that many men in the South lost their virginity by raping slaves

Slave women COULD NOT OBJECT.  

The bible says the slave must obey,  and if the slave master is wrong-- she must obey. God will judge that master at judgement time.  The slave girl -- no matter what the master told her to do--shehad to do that.  That was  her godly duty.

 a  Proven, according to Debow repeatedly and in great detail,  by how rapidly  slave owners get rich.

No other way did God provide to get wealthy so fast. So obviously it was the wish of "Almighty God"

. De Bow showed how slave owners became rich rapidly --buying a buck and female slave, have them work,  sell the cotton or food,  the slave provides for you  and soon you have  or 4 slaves.

Then slave owners sold the children --as Lee did.  Work them and breed them,  and you are obeying GOD. 

Start young and even poor folks can get rich by age 35  Debow bragged, using God's gift - slavery

Jeff Davis claimed slavery was a blessing -- a  Divine gift from God



This kind of insanity and evil  is the ONLY way humans can get others to invade torture and enslave,   They must pump up the stupid chits with lies -claim the bible or other insane religions book  show fools to obey

- got crowds of stupid chits to cheering, much like Hitler and Donald Trump gets stupid shit to cheer.. 


Lee kept meticulous records.  

Lee not only recorded  names of humans he bought or sold --+   REASON Lee sold particular slaves.  For example a slave name Rome* was "unruly" and had to be sold.  

Lee kept track of the SKIN TONE.  Lee had 266 slaves -- and Pryor reports  that over  50% of Lee;s slaves were mulatto.     are as Lee probably wrote on the "SLAVE LEDGERS."

While Pryor does not mention this -- light skinned slave women  -- called "comely" in newspaper ads to sell slaves -- bought much higher prices.   Attractive voluptuous young slave women were expected to please the master,  according to the bible itself. 

So slave owners had no problem ethically to get the hottest looking slave for their amusement.   The bible says the young slave girls  must please the master -- or the the seller must return the money

And -- slave women could be, and necessarily were -- sold to houses of prostetuition.  White men did not prefer "Negroid" lookin prostitution to please them.  They wanted mulatoo, So those more attravie young women sold for much more.

How many  slave girls worked themselves to death in whore houses was not something Lee kept track of-- but he knew.   Everyone in the slave business  knew.

Everyone at Virginia Historical Society would know if they studied slave auctions and Lee's slave ledgers.


✔️            LEE  WROTE  IT  ALL DOWN

Elizabeth Pryor,  in her 2013 Virginia lecture, said her duty as an historian was to "reveal the ugly."

Pryor   was talking of course,  about cruelty of Robert E Lee -- as proven by Lee's own slave ledgers  and  instructions to his bounty letters.

Yet Pryor wisely -- for a good reason -- was careful,  even "dainty"  of her words. 


For example,  while Pryor  did reveal Lee's tortures,  and even his preference for the whip to "instruct" wayward slaves.

  Pryor could not just  reveal Lee tortured slaves various ways, then  move on to the next chapter, a good attorney would do with a client who murdered entire families by saying "My client had every right to drive his car to the reunion that night"   

Pryor added that Lee "had every right to protect his property" 

So torture of slave girls was protecting his property?   No, Lee's torture of slave girls was to terrorize them,  which he did while screaming at the  victim  Pyor was not about to be candid.



How would she tell the Lee family?
How would she tell the public
How would she tell those who, naturally,  believed the Lee myth.

 If you adore Lee-- meaning you believe the Lee Myth -- don't worry!  Pryor treats you right.

Pryor starts out her book with seemingly endless adoration and admiration of Robert E Lee.

Pryor compares Lee to the greatest bravest  Generals ever known -- Richard the Lionhearted. 

Robert E, of course was better. 

Pryor shows the amazing tender letters to his children urging truth and honor.   

This is seems standard course for any book about Lee. Historian Allen Nolan wrote a book Lee Considered.  

Nolan chose "Lee Considered"  rather than the trite goofy title of   "Lee Reconsidered" because-- as he eventually tells us in a gentle way--Lee was never considered at all.

The Lee myth since 1865 was pumped like wine at an Italian New Years party.   No one turned down another, and another, and another bottle.  

No one challenged the myth,  millions of people in the South needed myths,  the more the merrier. 

That myth,  Nolan  "suggests" (suggest = he did not dare be candid)  what  teach about Lee is often bullshit, not based on facts. 

More toxic to the truth, if possible --the Lee myth omitted the cruelties, the cowardice, the torture,  and the eagerness to kill to spread for God.

That "eagerness" to kill to spread slavery for GOD was not just Jeff Davis's joy and duty (He claimed a biblical and religious duty to kill to spread slavery for GOD) -Lee adopted it fully. 

Only at the end did Nevins say we have not  taught Lee honestly.  We have not even "CONSIDERD" the facts before us.  And it is time we did that.

Pryor -- did that.

  But before Nolan   got to the point --that what we knew and taught was nonsense bullshit lies and stupid (not his exact words)Nolan had to kiss Lee Myth's ass for chapter, after chapter.

Sort of like you have to know the secret knock on the door to get into a fraternity, or speakeasy.

A trained diplomat, Pryor knew how to carefully say or write things so that everyone walks away happy. 



Pryor adored Lee. And why do otherwise?

She learned what we all learned-- all of us North and South- were taught Lee was a man of GOD -"conflicted" between his state and his nation.

Did he not even say he fought for his state?  What on fucking earth could be more clear!

  Many told us Lee was against slavery -even Ken Burns told us - via Shelby Foote,  a Lee and Jeff Davis groupie, by the way(

Supposed scholars, and "historians" at "round table discussions" effused of Lee. Tender, loving,  Patriot Robert E Lee. even recently wrote that Lee was not only against slavery -- Lee was "emphatically"  against slavery

He deduced that  from the famous Lee letter to his wife.   Apparently,  however this scholar was too stupid to read the whole letter.  Maybe too stupid to grasp that could possibly matter.

And definitely too stupid to check into  the "CONTEXT."   

 I have yet to see a scholar or teacher mention the context of the letter  to his wife-- which is profoundly important to know.

 As a scholar and best selling historian she was a friend of Lee family.

Pryor along with seven other
"Virginia scholars" were allowed to study Lee's slave ledgers (and other papers) for twelve weeks.*

They all know for years  Lee family had two trunk (see below) of Lee's "papers"

But they had no idea Lee would have 40 ledgers* -- slave ledgers-- complete with prices, names, dates, and which auction house he used.

And much much more

Lee kept track of the ages of slaves he sold or purchased.

 Lee even  kept track of skin tone  -- how white did some slaves look?

As you will see, Lee needed to know the skin tone.  While looing or mullato slaves sold for much more.    The reason?

Pryor never mentioned this  mulatto slave women sold for more --to houses of prostitution in the South, because the men did not want to **** a "negroid" looking woman.

There were hundreds of slave women whose life was spent as a whore.  

One of the reasons to own slave was to rape the mother-- or anyone.   Slaves hat do obey the master - as they would obey GOd.

If the master was cruel or wrong -- that was between God and the master.  

God ordains slavery -- approved it. 

 Man can not end slavery Lee wwrote - it is evil -evil ! --to try to end slave other than by prayers.  God will end slavery on his time

Man is evil to even try.

Lee wrote insane shit lilke that.

The same day Lee tortured slaves,  he probably thought or said  his victims "must endure"  and trust God .

Before a human can torture or enslave or rape -- whatever -- they must justify it somehow.

Another surprise Pryor did reveal -- "RAPE WAS COMMON." She gave no details. Why not show where she got that information?

Good guess -- it was too awful for her to include in the details. 

The only place Pryor could get that -- is from Lee's own handwriting.  

Lee wrote it all down.


Pryor never bluntly used the term "slave ledgers."  

It sounded better to say  "monthly account books"

Yet from those "monthly accounts," Pryor could tell us Lee paid 600% higher prices for slave women than slave men.

Why pay far higher prices from women?

And since Lee is sold -- taught -- as against slavery,  what the fuck is he doing with 226 slaves?

Why the fuck would Lee know or hire bounty hunters.  

Pryore tells us the first thing Lee did when he took over "management" of the slaves -- he had two whipping posts installed.

Why the fuck install torture devices?

Pryor had an excuse--Pryor wrote "as a silent  reminder for the slaves to obey".

See what Pryor did there? 

Yes, the whipping post were silent,  they never screamed or begged for merch!

So she did not lie, right?



Slavery was not only a spiritual freedom according to Lee seems owning slave was rather pleasurable

Lincoln exposed slave owners as "pleasure seekers."  

He did not go into detail that we know of, 

But others did go into detail. The vice President of the Confederacy said how slave women were treated was "DISGUSTING"



A slave, women (or men)must,  by Gods word obey the master -- sexual demand were no exception,


and show joy.  Slaves had to show joy.

Frederick Douglas was owned by a master who whipped slaves if they did not show joy.*   If you look unhappy or disrecpteful, you could get tortured.

But the most common torture was, surprisingly according to Frederick Douglas  ....simple starvation - tied up and left on the ground, and starved.


Point is humans Lee had tortured did scream and beg for mercy. 

Pryor knew. There were thousands of slaves and witnesses who documented the tortures.

 That was the whole purpose of using bounty hunters to whip the slaves if they tried to escape. To inflict so much paid

to terrorize everyone 

torture is the only way they knew how to keep their money and power.



By the way -- Lee called torture "instructions"   See for your self.

Pain is necessary for their instructions, Lee said in a letter to  his wife. 

Mary Custis wife did not want Lee torture the slaves -- she grew up with those slaves from child hood. 

She knew  many of them  when they were born.

But she could hear the screams -- of small salves even -- as Lee hand them whipped.

Even more cruel -- reports at the time, and witnesses after the war,  said Lee screamed at the slaves as he had them tortured.

Tortured is the right fucking word.  that's why we use it, and why history teachers and text books should use it , too.



Pryor could and  very carefully di tell us Lee bought "others." Others - what the hell did that mean?  Pryor was a scholar,  very adroit at words and word games.

You have to read her passage like that very closely --and check the notes.  But "others" were human beings Lee paid to own that were kidnapped illegally

Pryor jumped into dazzle and give a reason Lee "failed to fill out the time consuming paperwork."   

As if there is any paperwork fill out to buy or sell humans.  Pryor had to say something -- so she said that.


Pryor, however, on  Lee's torture of slave girls was oddly blunt. 

 Perhaps worn out using euphemism and double speak -- and finding no way to mention torture of screaming girls in a way the Virginia Historical society would approve of,  she had to be candid.

She apparently shocked the living shit out of the Virginia Historical society, who pretended they had not read "all " of Lee's papers.

Of course they read all of Lee's slave ledgers and dirty letters to various women.  Of course they saw the prices and names.

Of course they could see Lee had white looking slave girls who tried to escape, and see Lee sent bounty hunters after her with specific instructions.

Of course they could see Lee knew rape was common.

On and on.

But they were not about to tell their readers. 

Sadly PRyor died on April 15 in a traffic accident not far from where Lee's slaves were buried in unmarked graves.  While Lee was entombed in religous setting

Those whose psychologically or socially need Lee myth to be accurate -- you might not want to read Pryor's book with the above in mind.  

Why find out that your heroes were cruel bastards,  and or cowards (true)

and that you were lied to for your entire educational period.  books with the above things in mind..

There will be linguistic tricks to tell you, but not too bluntly,  that rape was common at Lee's slave farm.

There will be pages that even  more gently reveal Lee's purchase of kidnapped women from bounty hunters.

 Lee "failed to fill out time consuming paper work." 

 Pryor wrote that "technically." Lee might have broken the law.

That's the Pryor Dance.  Two steps forward, one step back, oh look, a butterfly.


Lee of course,  was never at fault in any candid way. The slave girls  should not have tired to escape.

Virginia law required escaped slaves be tortured (that was not true).  

Lee was not sadistic -- of course -- but he simply "

      ROBERT   LEE'S   SLAVE  LEDGERS       

Elizabeth Brown Pryor. 

      Scholar, Diplomat, Historian.

    A Lee devotee and family friend.


If Pryor could ask Robert Lee one thing, it  might have been:  Please -- Please General Lee -- burn your damn slave ledgers. 


 Lee did not  burn his slave ledgers.

Lee  did not burn his bounty hunter instructions.

Lee did not even burn his sexually charged letters, to and from various women - even long after he was married.

How would Pryor tell the Lee family?

How would Pryor tell the Virginia "scholars"?

Pryor and 7 other "Lee scholars" were allowed to study Lee's slave ledgers.

No one should be surprised that the other "Virginia" scholars,  whose pride and purpose in life was to glorify Lee,  dared mention any of this in a candid way.

Human nature is not like that.    If you spent years bragging about man of GOD Lee -- if your pay check and income and retirement came largely from repeating goofy myths,  who has every flipped to tell the truth?

NO one - no one has every done such a thing.

Pryor did -- carefully-- expose more than anyone before dared. But her status, her job, her pension,  her glory was not about repeating the goofy myth of Lee as a man of God, a man against slavery. 

Notice none of those "Virginia scholars" apparently want Lee's slave ledgers, prices he paid for women, compared to prices he paid for men -- to be made public

And much -- much -- more. 

 Like  how much did Lee profit when he sold a slave child, apparently  to punish the mother or terrorize all mothers,  because Lee did shit like that. Other slavers did shit like that too,  but Lee did it to punish -- sell a child to punish a mother.

Gee -- I wonder why these "scholars" whimped out.   The want the "real history" right?  They care what "really happened"  and what Lee wrote in his slave ledgers, right?

Ah -- not so much.


Pryor told it all -- the torture, the sale of children -- Lee ordering his own men shot in battle if they do not  attack

ALL of it in Lee's hand writing.  All of it in Lee's slave ledgers. 

Lee wrote it all down


Lee family allowed Pryor and four* others to study Lee's slave ledgers and Lee's private papers at length.  

 No one thought there would be slave ledger in his "papers."

No one thought Lee's  bounty hunter instructions would be there -- or that Lee even had slaves or a need for slave ledgers.

But there they were.   All in Lee's handwriting.


 The Lee Family will not release Lee's slave ledgers to to the public- 

They probably wish to hell they never allowed  Pryor touch them, much less study then.



We are still working on the names of anyone allowed to see - - and study -- the slave ledgers.   

To pretend  they had access to Lee's trunks,  but did not notice 40 or more slave ledgers (monthly ledgers -- Pryor wrote) is not credible.   They read them, they studied them and they sure as fuck did not tell anyone about in any candid way.

Human nature that -- not a plot.  But no one in hierarchy of Virginia historians was going be candid about torture, raped,  whipping posts,  bounty hunters 


Historians since 1920 knew of the two trunks, but the Lee family, for whatever  reason, did not see fit to let anyone see them -- and they are not about to let the public see them now. 

For generations we were taught,  by self confident sincere men,  taught teachers and text books and movies and even scholars told us - Lee had no slaves. 










On and on and on,  Douglas Southall Freeman listed 4 columns of noble human traits --- and then "proved"  Lee was the most everything of all.

 Stupid chits ate it up. And still do,






Freeman not only was insane, if insanity includes compulsive liar, he lied his ass off.  He claimed to have found a treasure trove of documents that proved all of this.

He found no such thing,  Nothing. 

There is no possible document that Lee was kind.  In fact,  he was a sadist -- a man who gets joy from giving pain.  Lee personally order small slave girls to be torture-- and Lee personally yell "hit her harder, hit her hard" -- though the vernacular of the time it was "Lay it on, lay it on.

Lee did much more -- orderd it done -- to this small slave girl.  He taunted her before she was tortured -- he bragged she will never forget this -- and he paid a nearby bounty hunter to do the torture.

He had salt poured on her wounds according to three newspapers at the time

None of this - none - was the idea of anyone but Lee.

Lee paid the bounty hunters. Lee paid the man who did the torture. Lee paid the costs of housing the escaped slaves until he could be there personally to watch them be tortured.

Lee was MORE cruel than  other slave owners. Not less cruel. 



Freeman was not scholarship -- it was a lying contest. 

Lee, we were told, prayed with black women when no else would.

Lee was "violently" against slavery and prayed for it to end.

Entire books are filled with utter nonsense -- to the point that authors seems to compete for the most outlandish -- and as we know now -- false. 

Lee was "violently" against slavery said one historian.  Lee "emphatically said so,  said that fool. (He referred to Lee's famous letter to his wife -- see below)

 Yet now we know Lee had the largest slave farm in Viginia.  He not only owned a documented 266 humans,  Lee bought and sold they like some folks buy and sell stocks,

Children -- the offspring -- was money in the bank for slave owners.     That's how Lee became wealthy -- he did not sell cotton, he sold humans.

As Robert Toombs bragged -- the rapid increase in slave numbers is proof of the kind treatment from slave owners,

Toombs added that soon  the rapid increase of slave would greatly outnumber whites,  and the white race would be "exterminated"

But until there were so many slaves Contrary to the nonsense that his wife owned slaves -- not Lee -- Lee became the legal owner when he married her -- might have been the reason Lee chose his wife, a rather homely woman,  and Lee quit the stud and quite the catch for any slave owning woman,

266 slaves,  ignored court orders to free slaves,  and paid  bounty hunters to capture and "discipline" slaves.

 Only one -  Pryor --dared to mention prices Lee paid,  and income Lee gained. Apparently all others who had Lee's slave ledgers in their hand "punted" -- they were not about to expose Lee's cruelty.

It was not their job to "expose the ugly"  as Pryor claimed her duty.  The others who studied  Lee's slave ledgers and sexually explicit letters to various women -- and more --their job apparently was to keep the Lee myth going, and not be hated intensely by most of the whites in Virginia and all former slave states.

Lee was, of course,  the man who "had no fault's to probe"  according to  Pulitzer Prize Winner,  Douglas Southall Freeman.

Freeman's goofy (and they are goofy) statements about Lee were accepted, and may always  be accepted in slave states,  as Gospel.

It was said of Freeman if Lee farted, Freeman could tell you what Robert ate for lunch.

Only one- - Pryor -- dared to mention that newspapers at the time,  which wrote about Lee's sadism,  were "unquestionably correct."   Why were they correct?

Because Lee's own hand written slave ledgers and instructions verified those newspaper reports.    

The date, the names,  the actions in the newspapers Lee's hand written ledgers verified them

It would be impossible for  those newspaper reports to know what Lee wrote in his own ledgers, his own writings.


Furthermore newspaper reporters after the war went to Arlington -- Lee's slave farm--and found former slaves still working at the former slave farm. 

The found some of the slaves who were actually tortured by Lee -- meaning,  by Lee's orders.  By Lee's direction.

It would of course be impossible for those former slaves to know what the hell Robert wrote in his ledgers, his letters.

Pryor sure as hell did not want to trash Lee -  she bent over backwards to blame others -- even the slaves.  She bent over backwards to minimize Lee's sadism and sexual writings.  

Undertandably,  Pryor was not about to be candid.   If the Lee family wanted candor,  they could just publish Lee's slave ledgers and instructions to bounty hunters,  and Lee's sexually charged letters to various women (plural) after his marriage,  they could do that.

These "monthly account books" is where Lee recorded prices he paid for humans, including slave girls.  Lee recorded the pay to bounty hunters, hired and directed to capture dozens of slaves -- including a white looking small slave ("could pass for white" as Lee phrased it),

Pryor carefully told readers that Lee "technically may have broken the law" when he purchased "others. "

Other than what?  

What law did Lee    "technically break"     Pryor said Lee may have "technically broken the law - regarding a purchase of humans .  She did not make clear who --  Pryor just wrote "others?

 Pryor quickly added Lee did so to avoid  time consuming paperwork.  

What the fuck time consuming paper work was involved with any purchase?

  Pryor had to lessen blame somehow, in her text, so she used a gentle,   but deceptive trick.

Still, no one else even admitted this much,

You can read Pryor's  book,  "Reading the Man,"   yet cling  the the Lee Myths we were taught.

Pryor's book started with seemingly endless flattery of Lee,  a requirement even those few authors who dare question the Lee myth.

Pryor problem was HOW -- how on earth, would she reveal Lee's preferred torture was the whip.  Or that Lee wrote sexually charged letters to various women after he was married

HOW would Pryor tell her readers that Lee ordered his own soldiers shot during battle -- if they ran.

HOW would Pryor tell her readers that made an elderly slave buy -- buy -- his own grandchild from Lee.

HOW would she reveal that Lee sold slave children to punish the mother.

HOW would she reveal that rape was common at Lee's slave farm?

HOW would she reveal that Lee hoped sick slaves would "die quickly"  

HOW would she reveal Lee had other ways to "instruct"  escaped slaves.  

IF Pryor was candid-- of course-- she would be instantly despised by the public.  It's possible, given the  goofy adoration of Lee,  that someone would do her harm



One problem showing Lee's sadism is that most US citizens believe the lie that slaves were often treated like family.

Goof ball "twitter historians" claimed a master would treat a slave well, for the same reason a farmer treats his tractors well.  

Yet the whole intent of torture was to remind slaves to obey. 

Slaves were raped,  as  Pryor revealed "slavery was common"  at  Lee's slave plantation,  though she decided not to go into detail.

To this day,  domination, whipping torture is considered an erotic act.  At that time, quite legal to torture your slave, and no penalty for a white man to impregate slaves or slaves forced word at whore houses.

Lee,  as mentioned,  had over 50% mullato slaves.  And had slaves that could pass for white.


 --- sold to the highest bidder,  so that "comely" (meaning sexy looking) could be and were sold to houses of prostitution, or just a man who wanted a sexual slave.

Slaves were actually forced to watch other slaves being tortured  

Slavery only existed if the slave was terrified to escape, or could not escape.  By definition, slaves must do as master demands.

Not so, as we learned from the testimony of a thousand slaves reporting rape, murder starvation, plucking eyes out,  branding, burning to death -- forcing family to watch their child tortures.

Frederick Douglass writings showed a man who had Douglas watch as the master whipped a small girl almost to death -- as the master yelled bible scripture

When the girl was near death, unresponsive, the master had her dragged to the woods to die alone, in pain if she could still feel anything

The last thing she heard in life - the master yelling bible scripture. 

That pretty much defines slave owners,

There was no limit to slave owner cruelty.

The master was their GOD -- if their master was evil -- the master would face God sometime for that.

But mean while, the slave woman was to obey anything - anything including sexual obedience

For a slave to  resist -- to fight back --to injure a man torturing them or their children,  could and did get slaves punished - even burned to death.




Pryor has to be stunned to find that -- as reported at the time -- Lee had salt  applied to wounds after the torture.    While Lee "scholar"  claimed yes, Lee did that -- he did so to aiding their healing.   Never mind that 

We even know the words Lee screamed --as the bounty hunter applied the lash to the mazimum number -- he screamed "Lay it on, Lay it on."

That was a term that meant Harder, hit her harder"

The point is,  get the full story. Not the horseshit made up later by fools, liars,  and those who repeate fools and liars.




500 WAYS  TO  

There was a 1000 ways-- maybe 50,000 ways -- for Pryor to reveal any particular fact.  

At the start of her book, Pryor does the typical required dance -- Lee was the most brave and honorable man -- braver than Richard the Lionhearted.

His entire family was generation after generation noble, kind fearless- - etc.



A man who executed slave girl,  and was hated, even despised by many who knew him.  White Horse Harry Lee -- Pryor reveals the ugly.   

A cruel man who was endlessly corrupt,  for example he sold slaves, helped them escape, captured them, and sold them again.

He was chased down by men he cheated,  left for dead,  with hot was poured on his eyes.   Robert Lee  was disgusted and shamed by his father -- White Horse lost the family estate because of his endless frauds.  

Lee found his father when White Horse was left for dead, and took him in to comfort, until White Horse died.

For the rest of his life, it seems Robert E Lee was obsessed to regain that glory -- meaning get that large number of slaves and  get the biggest slave plantation for those slaves to work.

Oh -- and keep the money from their labor.

One more thing -- to keep the money from the sale of humans, and from renting out slaves to plantations deeper (meaning more deadly) in the deep south. 

That was good business at the time.

Best of all -- for Lee- it was Godly. 


As usual -- the "encyclopedia of Virginia
 and every such publication, put out various degrees of nonsense.  Such sources endlessly repeat the nonsense, until now,  to expose the truth about Robert E Lee and or  his son,  would be to risk your reputation, if not your life (depending how you revealed it).

Pryor was exceedingly careful -- even clever-- at revealing 

1)Lee's slave ledgers

2) Lee instructions to bounty hunters

3)Lee's record of paying to have slaves "disciplined"

4) Lee's sexually explicit letters to various woman for years after his marriage- -

5) Lee's refusal to obey repeated court orders to free certain slaves (contrary to what we were taught)

6) Lee's use of slave auctions to purchase and sell slaves

7) Lee's habit of selling children away from the mother 

8)  Pryor's big problem was how to tell the Lee family  and the world about 



Pryor tells us Lee used  "Monthly  account books."    We know the information in those "monthly  account books" was financial record of slaves -- sales of, purchases of.   And payments to bounty hunters.

Payment Pryor simply calls "others" -- others who sold Lee free men and women -- not escaped slaves.   "Technically," Pryor wrote,  Lee broke the law.   She excused that by this trick "Lee avoided time consuming paper work"

As if buy humans has paper work attached, time consuming or not.  But Pryor had to say something to soften the sadistic cruel reality of slave owner Lee -- so she did.

 We know Lee kept exceedingly detailed records, because Pryor could tell us -- from Lee's handwritten account books- the name age, and prices of slaves.  Prices Lee received at slave auctions, for example.

Pryor even told us the name of the auction house-- close to slave farm, and almost as close to Washington DC

By the way -- Lincoln in his own handwriting wrote legislation in 1849 -- see it and his handwriting  below -- to end slavery in DC. Lincoln was hated for that.  

Compare that to Lee who in writing  claimed slaves deserve to "endure painful discipline",

Lincoln also said slave owners should be kicked to death --see below.  He was also hated for that.






According to thousands of South leaders --including Lee and Jeff Davis both -- slavery was "A DIVINE BLESSING."

Those who even spoke -- even preached against slavery could be arrest tried and tortured publically,  after 1847

But was far bas as 1831-- South leaders bragged they would kill -- arrest and kill -- those who published Anti-slavery publications.

Lee and most others spent most of their life before the Civil War when it was a crime to preach or speak or write against slavery.   

Certainly they never went to hear sermons against slavery.

In Lee's famous letter to his wife. Lee praises the invasions and killings going on then, to spread slavery in Kansas... and spread slavery then to the Pacific.  That's yet another thing stupid chits and scholars never mention about Lee's letter to his wife.

Never mind that 95% of Kansas Citizens were against slavery -- and eventually became free state because of that 95% vote to be a slave state.

The whole fucking reason for Davis to send anyone to Kansas  what that the Kansas Cittizens-- according to Davis's partner in Kansas Act -- were "19 of 20"e, 

Pryor as mentioned, claimed it was required by law to punish-- specifically torture -- a slave who tried to escape. Pryor  made up that lie (it is a lie) to  blame someone other than  Lee.

But Lee had a small slave woman -- age about 13--to be tortured.  Tortured is the right word.  Or as Lee called it,  "painful discipline."     

Escaped slaves,  said Pryor, was Lee's biggest problem.  Kind of a big deal. 

So of course -- of course Edward Lee Shepard wisely never would make any of this clear.  Not a plot-- this is human nature.

But did Shepard lie?   

Shepard did say Lee's papers would be a "Treasure Trove" of information.  So he told you, right?

Shepard told you  PART of the story.  So did Pryor.  Neither were candid --both had their reasons.  Naturally.

The part you like -- the part that made him lovable and important.  That's human nature.  That is not a plot.

Shepard -- naturally  made damn sure he did not  mention the term "Lees slave ledgers."   What a web we weave when we first start to tell only part of the story.



Shepard was the curator -- officially in charged of these 6000 or so Lee documents.  Shepard came up with that number -- 6000-- not Pryor.

 Edward found such material,  (and he would have to find them if he examined all the papers. Edward Lee Shepard, for some odd reason,  decided such trivial matters were not worth mentioning. 

We can't judge a man like Lee- - why stir up things like facts, like torture, like buying and selling children.   None of that can be important.  Right?  

6000 Documents, letters, ledgers, receipts,  drawings,  even military orders -- all from Lee, or so important to Lee he kept them.

And important to his family when Lee died. Lee saved the documents, which his family put in two trunks after Lee died in 1870*

When the Lee family picked scholars and historians to study two Pryor adored Lee --so much so that the Lee family allowed her to Study  almost 6,000 pages.

Freeman claimed to have found stacks of papers from Lee-- each of them proving how amazing Lee was.  Funny he never showed those papers.

HE was not writing a book, he was creating his lover,  in his mind.  A perfect lover in his mind. A gentle lover in his mind.

No faults to probe,  Feeman says.  No faults to probe.  

Freeman's goal was to make the world believe his lies - and many did;  

Why not believe Freeman -- self confident, -- that is 80% of fooling fools. Scholarly looking -- that is 15% more.  Religious and a compelling liar,  that makes it 100%.

Freeman seemed to have proof of everything he wrote.

No greater proof of the spirit and nature of Robert E Lee  is that those who knew him best (the servants"  Loved him most of all.

Since Freeman claimed to know all of Lee's details -- did he just not know about Lee's slave ledgers and torture of small girls?  He had to know -- the newspapers of that time reported Lee's torture of small girls, and much more

 Pryor won the "Lincoln Prize"  for her Lee biography,   "READING THE MAN"   .  

The Lee family allowed Pryor to study -- at length, nearly 6000 Lee documents in two trunks.

Trunks the Lee family kept for over 150 years. While scholars knew about them for 100 years, if anyone was allowed to study they before Pryor,  no one knew about it.


While Pryor called Lee's slave ledgers by another name,(she called them, cleverly,  "Monthly Account Books") Lee's account books were about slaves -- names dates, and prices of slaves.  Who he sold -- what prices did he pay, what prices did he charge.  

Pryor did tell us about a few prices Lee paid -- and received- - at auctions - slave auctions.  Pryor picked on slave who she claimed was "unruly"  and Lee sold him for that reason.


Pryor could have told us  -- or shown  -- all the prices- - and show whatever Lee put down in his "slave ledgers."  Pryor told us -- that Lee even bought "others" -- others that were from the North. 

Technically, Pryor writes, Lee broke the law when Lee bought "others"  that were in the  North. Grabbed, apparently, by bounty hunters and kidnappers.

Kidnapping free blacks in the North was a booming and cruel business, a bisomess scum of the earth used to get rich.  Extremely violent,  these kidnappers would beat victims almost to death,  stuff them into wagons,  and take them South to sell.

No other biographers ever hinted that Lee bought anyone.

Lee was "violently" opposed to slavery.   Stupid historians have claimed Lee "was very clear" he was extremely anti slavery.  That was all "proven" by Lee's "Letter to his wife"

But you gotta ask -- have those stupiod bastards even bothered to read the full letters?

Have those stupiod bastards bothers to check the context-- meaning what Lee's letter was about?

Apparently scholars and fools alike,  read two  or three sentences,  and did not bother to finish the letter!


The letter was a defense of torture of slaves, slaves MUST ENDURE painful discipline. 

  Further more in that letter,  Lee writes that slavery is a FREEDOM -- a FREEDOM - a
SPIRITUAL FREEDOM  that on nation was found on.  The "FREEDOM" to enslave others.

  She then tells us Lee "avoided time consuming paperwork. What paper work, time consuming or not, was she talking about.

Pryor could have called her book "Lee's slave ledgers."  But that would have stopped traffic in Virginia. Stopping traffic was not Pryor's goal.


Lee even kept track of the skin-tone of slaves. 

For example when  he wrote instructions to bounty hunters about an escaped slave girl,  Lee told them she could "pass for white."  Lee also suggested where to find her.

Even more amazing -- perhaps - was that this light skinned girl -- could pass for white -- was one of 12  who escaped at the same time

For a guy who fools and scholars said did not own slaves, Lee's biggest problem  was large number of slaves who escaped.   Pryor tells us that from information -- in Lee's slave ledgers.

Another bit of information -- though not from Pryor or her book -- was the Bounty Hunters used trained slave dogs -- dogs trained to attack blacks who ran, and kill on command. 

 Training such dogs was a profitable business for some, as revealed in Macon Georgia newspaper ads.   

Those who raised slave dogs to sell competed in their advertising on the ferocity  -- the terror and danger -- of their trained dogs.


  Slaves all knew this, of course, which is a big reason slave women would not take their children when they escaped -- the death of slaves from slave dogs was an added terror.  No one kept track of how many slave women were captured or attacked by slave dogs.  But Lee regularly used bounty hunters.

We know that -- becasue Pryor herself wrote that Lee's biggest problem with slaves -was their frequent attempts to escape.  That was Lee's "biggest problem" as slave ower.

Something Lunatic Douglas Southall Freeman knew -- but was not about to tell you!

Lee had more than one slave who  "could pass for white." Lee had them captured anyway.  And had them punished, if they were captured, just the same.

And for those who claim Lee had no slaves- - Lee not only had slaves, he bought more.  He controlled his wife's slaves, but Lee's slave ledgers show Lee bought others. See below-- Pryor was exceedingly clever how she "revealed" who Lee bought,  when and why.


It wasn't that historians were ignorant of those two trunks -- but apparently most historians assumed anything worth knowing about Lee was already revealed in details -details  from Douglas Southall Freeman,  who's father "served"  with Lee.

Freeman started his 

Like 99% of us who learned about Lee -- we assumed Freeman was not a pathological liar nor lunatic.   We assume he did not make us his narrative 







 Pryor tells  readers that "Lee only wanted to be a Planter." 

Pryor made sure she did not tell you -- " 

Planter" means "Owns a  large number of Slaves."  

"Planter" assumes the slave owner is rich from the sale of flesh and the labor from those slaves.

"Only wanted to be a Planter" 

So Pryor did not outright lie (she would outright lie if needed- - see below) But "Only wanted to be a planter"  is swallowed by fools, scholars, and students alike. 



True the whipping post was silent to the human ear - but the victims Lee had tortured screamed, begged for mercy.   They were not silent, and they were being tortured.

But Pryor had to write something about those whipping post.  Lee "had them installed"  meaning the slaved themselves were forced to build their own torture chamber.  


Another clever 

 Words are powerful -- therefore slogans are more powerful

A word -- by itself -- is nearly meaningless. Like a book with one word title, but no story.

Humans -- naturally, being ego driven  important.  With slight variations,  intentional or not,  fools and liars can give drastically distorted views

Just omitting "details" like Lee paid extra to have slave girls trorted.   And omittie details like Lee paid extra -- to have captured slaves kept in jail, until he could get there for the torture (torture is the right word).

For example, Pryor gives comfort to Lee devoteesin the idea Lee was not really cruel to have slaves captured, imprison and totured - Lee just had "Poor cross cultral communcation skillsnot sadistic to sell children away from the mother as punishment.

 Lee simply had "poor cross cultural communication skills."

 A Lee devotee and family friend Pryor did her best to honor Lee and blame others.  Her first 70 pages was the typical "Lee was the best and most kind and brave soul".   She had to write that way -- probably -- to placate everyone in Virginia. 


There was, however, too much Lee  sadism to hide. 


Sadism is the right word.   When Pryor tells of the Lee's tortures,  including torture of small slaves.   These reports were in newspapers -- at the time.   In those newspaper reports, Lee supposedly screamed at his victims, that  was beyond even Pryor's considerable ability to hide completely -- but Pryor did her best.  


Pryor's biggest problem was not organizing Lee's slave ledgers --it was how to tell the public what she found. 

She herself had no idea -- Pryor believed, like most US citizens have since Douglas Southall Freeman biography of Lee.



 Lee owned as minimum 266 slaves,  we finally learned that from Virginia Historical Society.  


 Amazingly  Lee owned white looking female slaves -- a stunning fact that no  before even hinted, much less stated.  Pryor tells us,  with uncommon clear prose -- that over 50% of Lee's slave were mulatto -- and some slave women passed for white. 

Pryor stated that most large slave plantations had 10% or so mulatto slaves-- Lee had "over" 50.  Pryor did not show us those pages in his slave ledgers that validated that --she should have, of course.

But Pryor had a drastically more difficult set of facts to reveal - like Lee's use of bounty hunters.  Like Lee's "preference " for the whip as a method of "instruction."

Like Lee screaming -- taunting -- slaves before and during their torture.  And after.

Like Lee's letters to various women -- not his wife -- of a sexual nature.   Lee did that AFTER his marriage.  He even wrote about his son's sex life to one of the women. 

 Like Lee's written  military orders to have his own soldiers shot during battle -- if they ran. Pryor found those orders in his personal papers.   


Most amazing- - 100% of cruelties and horror Pryor reveals about Lee -- is from Lee.  From Lee's "personal papers."  Lee's slave ledgers. 

From Lee's written bounty hunter instructions.

From Lee's letters to  various women -- for decades -- women not his wife.   Letters with sexual overtones.  Have you sent sexually charged letters to various women -- for years - if you were the chaste man of GOD  that Douglass Southall Freeman claimed Lee was.



But Lee did not burn his slave ledgers -- nor did Lee burn his  bounty hunter instructions.  Pryor found  -- in those slave ledgers (Pryor called them "monthly account books) are the prices Lee paid, and money Lee received,  for the sale of humans -- including children. 

And much,  much more.

Nor did  Robert E Lee burn sexually explicit letters to various women -- letters written or received for decades.  

According to the curator of Virginia historical society -- there were 6000 or more papers "stuffed" into the two trunks.    

"BUYING OTHERS" according to Pryor.

 Others -- read Pryor clever prose - Lee bought women that kidnappers sold -- illegally.   

"Technically,  Lee may have been breaking the law." But Lee was just "avoid time consuming paperwork."  As if there was any paperwork, time consuming or not, about buying humans from kidnappers, -

TIME CONSUMING PAPERWORK EXCUSE  PRYOR CLAIMS Lee  -- without a shred of proof there was any paperwork -- time consuming or not.

Fools and dipshits readin


It's not clear why Lee and his family did not burn at least the slave ledgers.   But they did not.

We do know all of Lee's belongings were packed up and stored-- and given back to the Lee family after the war. 

Also -- the Lee family was paid -- the US government did not steal Arlington.   They paid the Lee family.   It was chit head Lee who stole humans and enslaved them and grew rich from it.



Lee was not the only slave owner who "disciplined" slaves by whip.   We know from Frederick Douglas that physical torture -- and starvation -- were the two most common "discipline."    Other forms of torture was to tie a slave into a painful position and let him rot for a few day. 

Pryor could not just show us Lee's slave ledgers and letters.  

It was "Lee's poor cross cultural communication skills"  that caused the pain and horrors of torture."

Pryor must not have seen the film "Cool Hand Luke,"  where Paul Newman was tortured without mercy -- while the warden yelled 

"What we have here is a failure to communicate."

Maybe so -- but Paul Newman open defied the warden.    The small slave girl begged and cried-- her crime was trying to escape.

Lee paid bounty hunters to "discipline" the slaves.  And as the slaves were tortured -- Lee screamed at them

Big difference.




Pryor found - in those "ledgers"  and "papers"   that Lee had "nothing but contempt" for slaves, and Lee wished sick slave children would "die quickly."


Pryor even found Lee bought "others"   humans, men and women that were never slaves, until bounty hunters kidnapped them from the North.   This was a booming profitable business- and Lee was a buyer,  we now know
Pryor was exceedingly careful  how she told us -- vague -- and deceptive.  

Why not?  Lee claimed slavery was "a spiritual liberty" - and that God ordained -- ordained means more than approved, but made holy -- the act of enslaving others.

Why on earth would Lee NOT buy men women and children via those men,  as from slave auctions?

  Understand this  -- it was not just Lee and Davis and a few dozen others that claimed slavery was ordained -- required.  Their entire social status, their wealth, their claim to fame and wealth  was based on the bible supposed (and actual) support of not only slavery -- but slave owners could torture their slave to death -- to death -- for no apparent reason.

And it was a crime -- a crime! -- to publish or speak against slavery.  Since 1831  South leaders made it a crime punisable by death -- by death -- to publish anti-slavery pamphlets.

By 1847 South leaders made it a crime punishable by public torture to spread gainst salvery

If you don't know that -- if you are not taught that -- none of what follows makes any sense. You will be necessarily stupiod -- made stupid thanks to stupid teachers and or deceptive historians

South leaders bragged -- until they lost -- of the Joy and Duty to spread slavery for GOD

You are not taught one fucking iota of this -- not one fucking word.  

Just remember, this was the mindset of South leaders starting 1831. This impacted every minute of every day -- shaped every minute of every day -- and which created lunatic chit heads like Lee and Jeff Davis who swallowed this absurd crap.

That is when our Civil War Started, when millions of folks were fooled and brainwashed to believe absurd cruel shit -- that blacks were created by God to be be punished for biblical sins

That is revealed -- repeated- - in Jeff Davis's speeches and actions.  That is what is revealed and repeated in Lee's letter.

That is what is repeated -- and revealed in South's official war ultimatums

That is what is repeated and revealed in South's Cornerstone speeches

Your teachers will not agree- because they were not taught this.   They are proud of their education -- and it is not human nature to be otherwise.

The point is, this violent oppression -- torture and death at they bragged about -- is exactly what was taught  AT THE TIME by South leaders.

Not just taught but often enforced., 

Men were arrested, tortured in public, killed by crowds.  South leaders even sent paid men to Illinois to murder a man (Lovejoy)who dared preach against slavery in Missouri, who dared publish anti-slavery in Missouri.

They not only chased Lovejoy into Illinois,  the murdered him when they found in Alton.

All -- all - all based on the insane laws for the death penalty - not a fine, a death penalty -- for publishing anti slavery material.

 Start therefore in 1831.  Don't be further made stupid- - start when they started.

Start when they started killing, and they started bragging about slavery.  Or you can not grasp the reality of Lee Davis and hundreds of thousands of others.

Or be forever stupid

When Lee said prayer is the only way to end slavery -- this is exactly  what the fuck 

  It was as vile and violent as any Islamic nation.  

What is worse, if possible -- is that South leaders went to war -- their claim -- to spread slavery for God

This was their duty -- their duty.   Their religious duty   Like essentially every slave owner,  in their head - they claimed as Lee did that slaves were lucky.



Jefferson Davis said --slavery was "A divine gift." Blacks were created by GOD to be happy as slaves. 

White men were created to enslave blacks, as proven that blacks can work long hours in the  hot sun.  

It the "Cornerstone" speeches officially approved by Jeff Davis, and given by Alexander Stephens to explain why South created the Confederate States.

Blacks are to be enslaved -- in perpetuity.   

Blacks are to be punished-- in perpetuity -- for "biblical sins." 


In Lee's papers,  Pryor found that same sentiment by Lee and his wife.   They both thought slaves did now show enough appreciation to them.  



Lee wrote that slaves were the fortunate ones,  they otherwise would be in Africa and not know the bible.

______________________  Lee turned them into slaves after he bought them.   See below how careful, how artful, Pryor was about this "surprise."


Historians have know about the "Lee trunks" for 100 years or more.  Thousands of "historians" or "scholars" would have loved to see them,  much more study them

Almost nothing was written about the two trunks of Lee's paper, other than the trunks existed.   

The public did not seem interested -- everyone assumed Lee's "personal papers"  -- would validate the " Douglas Southall Freeman" approach to adoration of Lee.   Therefore we could only find out more amazing lovely things about Lee - from those "trunks."

Freeman, we know now, was a pathological liar or goof ball.  His first edition of His father "served" with Lee, and like all of use whose father were in war (my father was a Navy Pilot in WW2)  we love to think our fathers were the most wonderful men to ever walk.  How would Freeman escape such natural tendencies?

And why would he?   If Freeman admitted Lee knowingly help killed to spread slavery for GOD (when Lee did)  and if Freeman admitted Lee tortured slave girls, bought children,  etc,  how would be have such high status?   How would he even be proud of his father?

Humans do not trash their own fathers as evil men who helped enslave torture and kill.  

He made up references when needed, claiming he found "extensive" paperwork that proved Lee was all Freeman claimed.

But look closely at his major sources....then seemed to be the goofy authors who jumped into the profitable business of "adorational" books about Lee and the South from 1870 to 1930. (I know" adorational" is not an accepted word, but it should be and anyway I LIKE IT)

There was and is a national prize for whoever writes the most flattering book possible -- untrue is fine.  Even better.  Sources not needed.

The authors had to OUT DO -- exceed-- the goofy flatter of the others.  The Prize was called "The Cooke Prize."  It's rather an apt name -- because they cooked up bullshit- - and sold it as truth.

That's human nature.  Not a plot.   As Napoleon Bonaparte wrote "History is a joke we play on our children"

We get the "Lee Myth" taught as nearly scripute  "    The myth was sold as, bought as, and taught as "scholarship"   accepted instantly and entrenched in the minds of millions - North and South.

This was not some conspiracy  of evil men making up lies. They did not meet every month to invent distortions.   This is human nature,  to see our family and culture as lovely brave and principled men and women.  When someone supplies us with such myths, of course we will welcome it.





And much more. Robert E Lee in his own handwriting -- in his own words wrote slave ledgers and much more.   

Most importantly --  Lee's slave ledgers still exist.   And have for 150 years.   

Pryor never calls them "slave ledgers,  she calls them "Monthly account books.

Those "monthly account books" --including prices Lee paid for slaves and prices received from slave sales, such as at auction. 

 Lee's apparen favorite slave auction was only ten minute trip -- on horse -- from his slave farm.   Pryor could tell us the price Lee paid for -- and prices Lee received from,  the sales  of men, women and children.

Pyor could -- from those "monthly account books"  tell us the skin tone of slave girls that tried to escape.  Lee -- not Pryor -- kept track of such things.  Pryor could and did reveal some examples.  



More amazing -- from Lee's slave ledgers -- Pryor found prices Lee paid to have slaves "disciplined"  by whip.  That was via Lee's "instructions."   Those prices did not come from local newspapers -- they came from Lee's own "account books."   But there were much more surprises.

Lee slave ledgers show he paid bounty hunters for "others" -- Pryor writes.  What does "other" mean -- it means "other than escaped slaves.  Lee, like hundreds of other slave owners,  bought when avialable blacks who were kidnapped in the North.

How would Pryor  other than escaped slaves.  Pryor wrote that "technically Lee have broken the law. 


Sadly,  Pryor died April 15  2005.  age 64.  in a traffic accident, not far from Arlington.   Had she lived, maybe she would have urged the Lee family to release the slave ledgers and letters.   

 We can't know what restrictions the Lee family required of Pryor.

Unless the Lee family burn the slave ledgers, the instructions to bounty hunter-- the payments for "others:-- someday the public will know more.  As they say, people could "decide for themselves."

Pryor  was such a good friend of the surviving Lee family - and the Virginia Historical Society -- naturally she was careful not to shred "The Lee Myth"  to pieces.   Which Pryor could do,  if that was her goal. 

From the start of her book, like every "biography"  ever written -- praised, adored  really,  everything about Lee.   Lee was more wonderful that Richard the Lionhearted,  

Pryor  apparently felt compelled to wrote two separate books, within one title, playing a role she did well -- praise Lee as much as possible, so she did not need to worry about violent attacks by well intentioned fools believe and find joy in the "Lee Myth".who see Lee as an honorable man of God played the role  of ARTFUL DODGER

artful dodger.

 It was not Pryor's goal to trash Lee, nor her goal to expose Lee.   She did the best she could, apparently.   Yet the horrors - Pryor called them "horrors"  were so surprising -- and so unassailable because Lee wrote them down - and proudly so-- Pryor could have no clue what she would find in his slave legers, in his "sexually explicit"  letters to and from various women.

Pryor found a way  -- instead of blaming Lee for the torture of slave girls who tried to escape -- she blamed (as Lee did) the slaves.    If they had simply obeyed Lee -- if they did not escaped, he would not have them caught and tortured.

  Torture is the right word -- Pryor used the word "discipline."

Even then Pryor claimed (falsely) that Virginia law required whipping escaped slaves -- actually the Virginia law put a limit on number of lashes - 39.   There was no law that slave girls had to be tortured at all.    But Pryor had to say -- write -- something to lessen Lee's sadism.  

In the same paragraph, ironically,  Pryor let loose a sentence about "Lee's preferred"  method of "discipline."   He preferred the whipping post and whips.    So in her mind, Pryor probably was well satisfied that she was candid.


Pryor also tells us that the first thing Lee did when taking over the slave plantation --  was to install two whipping post.  Silent reminders, she claimed, to the slaves.

First of course Lee would not cut those trees down and drive them into the ground,  showing in effect a crucifix --part of a torture device.   Lee would order slaves to build their own torture device.

But silent reminder -- yes, the wood did not scream, or beg for mercy -- slaves would scream and beg for mercy.   

Pryor was not about to present that image to anyone -- though that would be the truth. Pryor must have seen something that led her to write Lee had the whipping post installed -- she did not just make up stuff like that.  No historian you or anyone else can name reported Lee had torture device -- the whipping post - installed.

Pryor had to explain it somehow.   

She chose the way least clear and most deceptive.  

If she would mention it at all, she had to be careful.  Pryor did not have to include a word about his "preferred" method of torture.  She did not have to include a word about any of his sadistic habits.  

So -- give her credit for being light years more honest than any other Lee historian or expert


     (Elizabeth Pryor,  1999 Virginia speech*)

  While Pryor claimed proudly in her public talks "My duty is to expose the ugly"   she apparently revised that view by the release of the book,

Understandably -- her goal was not to be hated by Lee apologist and thousands of history teachers. Nor was she doing to alienate the Lee family -- who entrusted her to study  Lee's papers -- including his slave ledgers.

 Pryor, a career diplomat,  she knew well that HOW you said something was as or  more important than what you said.   It's quite possible many of  her readers, who adored Lee,   still adored him when they finished the book

Ask  those who claim to  have read the book (as I have) what they thought about Lee's torture of slave girls,  and of his slave ledges.   They look at you as if you lost your mind.   That was not in her book, they insist.

Pryor was very adept at claiming, in one chapter, that Lee was "conflicted"  about slavery.  Standard fare -- and false.

  But in another chapter she would emphatically state Lee's slave ledgers  ( personal papers)  showed without question that the allegations of three newspapers were correct --  because Lee's own papers aligned with those newspapers in all basic details.  Furthermore -- after the war those torturers and acts of sadism by Lee were corroborated  by the victims themselves-- victims who would not possibly know what Lee wrote in his slave ledgers.  

After the war -- after Lee left the slave farm,  reporters who remembered the pre war newspapers with details of Lee's torture of a number of slaves, including a  small slave women, went to Arlington to ask free blacks,  some of whom were still at Arlington, as free people.

One woman was so small,  Lee's regular  overseer refused  -refused Lee! -- to torture her. That alone is worth a Neflix special  -or a documentary fim by Ken Burns

Keep in mind    That was the story in three separate newspapers .

These post war newspapers went to Arlignton to speak to local blacks about what they knew of Robert E Lee .   They found slaves who were Lee's victims. And found witnesses. 

Those men and women  corroborated  the earlier newspapers.

Pryor was emphatic clear and resolute-- on this. There is no reasonable doubt,  because  the overlapping evidence from Lee's own slave ledgers that the Lee was there, that Lee paid a bounty hunter to whip the slaves -- including the small slave woman -and that Lee screamed at them during their torture.

Overlapping newspaper report AT THE TIME

This was not a "one off"  - a rare event.  Lee was proud of what he did.  He never claimed in any way the he was against torture and against slavery -- contrary to what generations have claimed by Lee's letter to his wife.

Lee's letter to his wife -- would it be too much for fools to read the entire letter!!!   In that letter --Lee justified torture of slaves.  He claimed  slavery was a freedom -- a spiritual freedom for the master.

Those against slavery -- were "on an evil course,"

In Lee's letter to his wife, he claime claimed those against slavery "are on an evil course" 

Man can not end slavery -- Lee claimed idiotically -- because GOD ordained it.   The only proper way to end slavery is to  pray -- pray for 2000 years, Lee suggested.   God knows what time slaves should be free.

Remember -- it was a crime punishable by torture in much of the slave states --to even preach or own books against slavery.  

 Lee claimed slavery was ordained by God- and the discipline of slaves had to be painful.


Another time Pryor was  blunt -- relatively -- is when she wrote of the "horrors" of slavery.   The "horrors"  Pryor related to readers was not the torture -- not the sadism, not the purchase or sale of chidlren -- Pryor had minimized all that  as best and as cleverly as she could.

The horrors of slavery?   The horrors of slavery to  want to respect Lee still could do so - pretending that Lee was "conflicted"  about slavery

In no way was Lee conflicted.   Conflicted people do not pay extra to have bounty hunter whip small slave women.   Nor do conflicted people scream at his victims.

Nor do conflicted people sell children or the mother away from each other -- to terrorize and punish them.  But Lee did that.


We of course never teach or think of slave farm,  but Lee's profit  came from buy and selling humans -- and from "renting"  slaves to other slave farms.

Lee -- we find out from his  hand written slave ledgers,  owned the most "mullato" slaves in teh country.  Over 50% of Lee's slaves, Pryor tells us, were mulatto. 

Yet other slave farms -- the average was 10% mulatto.

 Although Pryor does  not tell us this, of course,  -- light skinned slave girls sold for more.   They were sold to the highest bidder -- that could include houses of prostitution, well known in some locals -- like New Orleans.

White men preferred to pay for white looking slave women who worked as whores -- by force --  They seemed adverse to "Negroid"  women.

Thomas Jefferson himself owned white looking slave women.  Jefferson not  only enslave most beautfiul slave woman, he took her with him  --essentially married her --  to show off his beauty queen -- perhaps- in Europe. 

The bible itself orders all slaves and women to obey their master... their husband.   IF the master mistreats them -- they must still obey.   God will judge eh slave owner-- your duty it to obey and please -- and please -- the master.

If you buy a slave woman -- and she does  not "please" you -- you can return her.   That was not only biblical, it was taught to slaves. 

Sundays slaves expected a "day off"  but during that day off they had to study the bible -- guess which parts of the bible?   Yet Lee is taught as wonderful because he gave slaves a "day off".   The day off was to fix their clothes,  grow their own food,  and learn scripture about obeying the master -- regardless what the master demands.

No wonder slave owners would not allow Lincoln - as he offered to do - to buy all the slaves.    The slave owner could not get sexual pleasure and obedience from the money Lincoln offered.   

Lincoln in one speech correctly called slave owners "pleasure seekers."   He could not be more correct.   Slave owners could not be more violent to spread slavery.   Too bad our history teachers and "experts"  do not mention that. 

Slave women (and men) had no reason to or ability to claim the bible  was horse shit written by men to get any slave or wife to obey him in bed, or out of bed.

No wonder slave owners loved the bible -- they were like the GOD to the slave and wife.

Because Lee kept extremely through slave ledgers,  he also recorded the skin tone of slaves.

and received

Pryor told Virginia audiences that as an historian - her duty was to "expose the ugly" about about Robert E Lee.  

While  Pryor did expose rape being common at Lee's slave farm, and did expose Lee's torture (punishment by whip and salt) -- she was careful to minimize any blame to Lee personally.

For example Lee was not sadistic -- when he had small slave women captured and tortured (tortured is the  appropriate word).  No -- Lee just "was not 

While she did expose Lee's father  (White Horse Harry Lee) far more bluntly -- exposed him  as someone who killed slaves. Who was a tyrant, a cheat, and a failure, despite being as "Founding Father"  of our nation.

Lee's entire life was shaped around restoration of the Lee name, and recover the property and  Someone who destroyed his family wealth property and name by treachery.  Treachery such as selling his slaves, then helping them to escape -- and selling them again.     it seemed she trashed White Horse Harry Lee  -- exposed his ugly ugly life as a slave owner -- 

While she did expose Lee's cruelty and sadism -- worse -- worse than other,   Pryor was not candid.

 Books common in the South taught as basic such biblical verses -- Lee used such verses and logic.  Those against slavery -- were against God.  


Even more -- much more -- important to know -- by 1831  South made the death penalty for publishing anti slavery pamphlets.

By 1847  South states made it a crime -- punishable by public torture to preach or speak openly against slavery.  





To not teach this to students candidy in every public school and every history class,  have made hundreds of millions forever stupid about Slavery and the Civil War.

Men could be -- and were -- arrested tried and whipped in public for owning the wrong book -- a book against slavery, or which simply questioned slavery was enough.

Everything anyone did from 1832 on,  was done with that violence hanging over their head.  And for slave owners,  they were not only justified-- but they became (only after 1832)  the social and financial heroes of the South.

Lee-- see his letter to his wife -- correctly referred to the only allowable way to end slavery -- God must do it.

Man is evil to question slavery,(exact words-- "on an evil course) by doing anything except prayer.  Those against slavery -- Lee wrote in another letter "Were trying to destroy the American Church.

   Do not for a minute think South leaders did know not the bible -- they knew it well,  and used it proudly, necessarily to justify slavery itself, of course, and used ito justify violent torture -- and even death -- of those slaves who resisted. 

Frederick Douglass reported his slave master tortured a small slave girl to death -- while screaming scriptures.

The slave master was PROUD of it.  He also made slaves watch less deadly torture.

That is human  fucking nature --the bad part, the deadly part.   

If  if you are going to enslave, going to torture, going to rape,  going to sell children, you must- - you must and will -- justify it.

Depending on your culture, your surroundings, your peer group,  the people you want to impress -- we will justify it in terms they believe.

We will blame the slaves -- exactly as Lee did

We will blame "abolitionist"  exactly as Lee and nearly everyone in the South -- and as some goofy ass "historians" today -- like Shelby Foote

Even Bruce Catton blamed abolitionist.

South leaders not ony blamed abolitionists - they arrested, tortured and kill them for doing things like publishing an anti slavery newspaper.

We don't teach that in our public schools either.

In South's own "Declaration of Causes" the site this -- claiming abolitionist make the slaves "dissatisfied"

Never mind that 99.55  percent of slaves were not allowed anywhere near abolitionist.  Logic and truth mean nothing to those who torture slaves and sell children.    South made it a crime - punishable by death -- to publish anti-slavery pamplets.

The ONLY reason --insisted Jeff Davis and others -- that slaves are "dissatisfied"  it that abolitionist incite them to resist.

Blacks were created -- created by God -- to be happy as slaves!

Slaves, Davis wrote "are the most contented laborers on earth"  until abolitionist lie to them!

The stupid chit head bragged  and taught and preached that slavery IS A BLESSING... A DIVINE BLESSING.

It is not our fault Davis,  essentially wrote -- that slaves try to escape.  It is the fault of abolitionist.  One newspaper in Mobile Alabama* wrote  Satan is the first abolitionist

Slaves had "natural affection"  to the master.  That is the entire plan of GOD -- happy slaves, so happy they have "natural affection" for the master. 

Lee bought into that nonsense, of course..  you will claim you are doing your duty to God -- exactly as Jeff Davis did repeatedly.

There are no exceptions.

Lee of course -- as he wrote -- justified his actions -- cruel as hell actions -- from the bible.

Millions of others did the same.  It would be impossible -- not difficult -- impossible to do otherwise.


We idiotically -- at great cost--refused to teach this in our public schools as basic. Nothing was more basic. Nothing.

Once the South started invading and killing to pread slavery for GOD (they bragged of this repeatedly, until they lost)  Slavery was going to spread by violence or it was going to be destroyed.     

Su can can torture your slave to death -- if they live "a day or two."


Its a special kind of irony that Pryor was given "the Lincoln Prize"  for  her book   Reading the Man: A Portrait of Robert E. Lee through his Private Letters  

Yet Pryor wrapped every "revelation"  in a way to blame others, or minimize Lee's sadism (sadism is the right word)

Ugly like Lee slaves girls, even white looking slave girls,  that Lee paid to have captured and whipped.

Pryor, a close friend of the Lee family,  was and remains the only person to extensively hold and study Lee's slave ledgers.

Pryor was clever how she told the public about Lee's slave ledgers -- she called them "Monthly Account Books."

Those "monthly account books"  included price Lee  paid or received -- for his crop

No, Lee did not grow cotton.   His business, his profit, his income was human flesh, human beings. Lee "rented out" slaves ( meaning he got the money for their labor).

Lee also bought and sold humans.



Lee kept such meticulous records that Pryor learned which slaves, by name and age,  Lee bought or sold at auctions -- there was a slavel auction house 3 miles from Lee's slave farm -- or as we call it, "Plantation"

Pryor gives an example of one slave Lee sold,

  they chose her -- and only her (that we know of) -- to study Lee's slave ledgers.

Lee did not burn his slave ledgers.

He did not burn his bounty hunter instructions

He did not burn his record of paying kidnappers to grab free men and women in the NORTH -- which Lee did. Lee turned them into slaves,  according to his slave ledgers.

Pryor -- always carefully,  always blaming others, always minimize Lee's cruelty and sadism and greed.   Turns out, Lee was an especialy cruel man,  a cruel slaver.

He personally sent paid men to capture -- and the whip --escaped slaves

Lee personally taunted slaves before he had them tortured -- then screamed at them during torture.

He was not yet done.  Lee had salt poured on the slaves -- including small slave women --specifically to add to the pain

Lee was yet done!

Lee sent the torture victim --that is what they were -- to the "deep SOUTH"  or to other slaver owners who were known for even more sadistic 



Read Pryor closely  --such as after she admitted Lee's "preferred" method of torture was the whip, Pryor  claimed that Lee was not cruel for two reasons:

1) Lee was cruel because it was a "failure of communication"  

   If the slave girls had just obeyed -- he would need to torture them.  

Pryor apparently was clueless that a movie (Cool Head Luke)  including a torture by whip scene -- was famous for the line "What we have here is a failure to communicate.

Pryor, obviously, was not  going to blunt about torture, rape, selling children, taunting slave before torture, selling children to punish the mother  etc etc.

Lee was more -- not less cruel.   Lee had an older servant  who wanted his granddaughter to live with him.   Rather than say yes, Lee made the man PAY -- PAY Lee for his own grandchild.

By the way - naturally South folks praised the grandfather for paying Lee for the granddaughter.   Lee claimed slaves should be grateful -- he claimed the masters were those who suffer from slaver.  (See letter to his wife)

That is human nature -- humans will not torture and enslave others UNLESS they can justify it in their head.  You would be the same way, if you were raised as they were.

Furthermore Lee's status -- his power -- came from being a slave owner -- a large slave owner.

Lee  married a rather homely woman -- to be blunt, when he could have had anyone.   We know Lee was not faithful,  because Lee's frequent letters to and from other women, for decades.  Pryor would not be candid  - she did posit that "there is no evidence"  Lee did the things in his letters.  Pryor wrote that apparently, Lee's wife was not upset about the letters.  

 Perhaps she didn't know??

What she found had to stun her.  How would she reveal what she found?

Lee wrote it all down -- in detail.  

Pryor clever slogans 


Pryor gives images, via such words -- as if Lee wanted to work the land.  Uh, not to much

Ms Pryor died in a traffic accident,  not far from Lee's slave farm.  (We all such farms "plantations

Pryor, an established historian, and a close friend of the Lee family --believed everything we were all taught, including every word  from Douglas Southall Freeman.

Believing Freeman,  or anything he wrote,  is not just foolish,  but damaging to understand Lee, damaging to understanding slavery, and damaging to understand the Civil War

Few books, few authors,  could make students and scholars as stupid, as misinformed, as Freeman.

Pryor believed, that is, until the Lee family allowed Pryor to study -- at length -- Lee's slave ledgers.

Not just his slave ledgers-- but study Lee's instructions to bounty hunters-- and study Lee's price paid -- and received, for slave girls, and slave children.

Pryor also studied Lee's description of white looking slave girls -- they could pass for white, Lee wrote.  Lee directed bounty hunters to where he thought the white looking slave girl might be hiding. 

Pryor also found perhaps a dozen if not more, letters of a sexual nature, to and from various women -- over decades.  Even after the Civil War started,   Lee even wrote of his son's sexual prowess.   These were not letters to and from his wife

Pryor is quick to note that there "is no evidence" that Lee actually acted  or had sexual relations with any of these women. 

   Again this is from Lee's slave ledgers and personal letters -- Lee's letter to bounty hunters letters to and from Lee to various women -- some of those letters were of a sexual nature.. for decades Lee wrote to women who were not his wife-- and Lee included sexually explicit concepts.




Lee's biggest problem,  claimed  Elizabeth Pryor,  after studying his slave ledgers -- is the frequent attempted escapes.

This is import

Since Lee's preferred method of torture was whipping on a post (he had other methods, see chapter two).   The other methods of torture, according slaves themselves  (Such as Frederick Douglas) included 



tied in painful position and left for days

sale of your children

punish of family that did not escape

cutting off hands or feet

branding with hot irons

tying a slave from one ankle,   on slave ships let her die in agony in 3 or 4 days.

So for anyone to try to escape  

In one day, 12 of Lee's slaves tried to escape -- among them the white looking slave girl. 

   She was born at Lee's slave farm,  born most likely of a "mulatto" mother and a white man raping her.

As Pryor wrote at one point -- 

Lee owned, we find out in his slave ledgers,  the most mullato slaves of anyone in Virginia

Over -- over- - according to Pryor -- over 50% of Lee's slaves were mullato.   Maybe the most stunning fact to find live in Pryor's  biography of Lee.

That is, Pryor believed it -- until she got her hands on Lee's slave ledgers.

Probably the least important thing - that Lee was embarrassed about his baldness -- his comb over.

Lee he was so embarrassed he  spend two hours on the day he surrendered to Grant to look spiffy -perfectly clean. Including a comb over. 

Lee's friends made fun of his bald top, hence the comb over.  Drawings at the time, and two photos - show his comb over.

Napoleon said history "is a joke we play on our children."     

 Napoleon himself had idiotically destroyed much of his own army,

Out of 600,000 men Napoleon took into Moscow, 500,00  died, many of them froze to death with their horses.  Napoleon idiotally stall in Moscow for two extra weeks -- hoping Russians would come back for battle. 

Russians were just waiting for the -50 to 60 degree winter to arrive. \


  1. How do you know the child is a male? He had white looking slave girls of various ages, and Pryor tells us that "increasingly" whites (meaning Lee) were enslaving other whites.

    You have no idea if the child is male or female. You apparently hope that by enslaving white males, instead of females, that Lee seems less of a vile POS he is. Lee had slaves, FROM BIRTH, that looked white. Too complicated? If he did not own them from birth, he would have had to buy the white looking females at auction.

    This whole notion of Lee's ownership of whites --as worse than owning blacks -- shows a basic misunderstanding of pain. Do you not think enslaving, torturing, raping, and selling the children of black women is equally as vile as enslaving torturing raping and selling the children of white women?

    Clearly you do not know that enslaving of whites was a "growing thing" in the South as the rapes of slave women by white men progressed. And as we know, from Pryor herself, rape was common.

    Common. Rape. Was. Common.

    Those rapes -- then when that female child is old enough, they raped her. This is clearly the case not only because of written evidence at the time, but the growing number of white looking slaves. White looking FEMALE slaves, we know, were prized and priced higher. I bet you did not know that?

    Do you think men who tortured slaves, raped them, bought women at auction, etc etc, suddenly stopped their actions and said "Oh my God, this child is white looking -- let us hurry to get her to a white woman for her care and upbringing"

    Hell no. ANd remember we have evidence that white looking women were valued at auctions, and went to men for sex slaves, and to whore houses, often in New Orleans.

    Why would white looking, or light skinned women, be sold to whore houses? Because whore houses found -- according to written evidence at the time --that white men preferred to use a whore that was not dark, with negroid nose. They were taught, since birth, that black was a vile color for a human. But lighter skinned women, with white features -- they could make those women be prostitutes, without pay, until they died.

    Lee was part of that.

  2. The picture of the old negro and his mulatto baby grandson is still here, but apparently Mark no longer claims that this is a female bastard of Lee's, soon to be abused and whipped.

  3. AP are you joking?

    I never said Lee fathered anyone by a slave -- others have said so. WE don't know for sure.

    But SOMEONE white -- at Lee's slave farm did impregnate slave women and when those slaves were born -- white looking or not, they were kept and treated as slaves. Meaning they could be raped, tortured, sold, as Lee felt the urge to do so.

    The point is WHITE women were enslaved by Lee. So that crap he said about slavery being good for blacks, he enslaved whites too. And he knew that someone (his sons, maybe himself) were bouncing on slave girls.

    SLavery was a gold mine for slave owners -- and a pleasure palace. They could and did do anything -- make the women (or men) do anything, and that means sexual things too.

  4. Not having been born yet, I have no idea what Lee did or did not do. But this piece is so full of virulent hatred by the author that I put it down, unfinished.

  5. Hard to look at the action of Robert Lee and not see the horrible crimes this oath breaker and traitor to his country this guy is guilty of.

  6. Wow. I knew, through my own research and that of respected scholars, much of this. But not too this extent. Thank you for your clarity and sharing. We can only hope that someday day all those documents will be released.

  7. I just posted this to my blog
    This post was what got me started. Thanks.

  8. I never could reconcile all of the lofty, admirable, and righteous things I heard about Lee from the man who sided with slavers to the extent that he took up arms to fight against a lawful government that opposed slavery. I couldn't understand how he could serve in that role yet be lionized as a paragon of virtue.

    Now, at long last, I see the real man and not the sanitized, revisionist version that those from the South have successfully foisted upon us for so long now. Now, at long last, I see Lee as he really was, and from his own words no less.

    Let's hope and pray that the Lee descendants do the right thing and open up the trove of material to historians that will fill in the blanks on this important period of our history.

    I surely am not the only one that was confused about the Lee image versus the Lee combatant. Let the truth be told.

    One more thing:
    The naming of Southern military bases after traitors who were responsible for the deaths of so many young men is a stain on the honor of our great country and shouldn't be tolerated for even one more day.
